What we do
We provide a cost-effective and time-saving solution to both academia and companies. We can be your research partner in genome editing, providing potato lines with induced mutations in your gene of interest. Leave the resource-demanding tissue culture work to us – you only need to focus on what functional genomics and traits you want.
Gene characterisation and trait discovery
Trait development
With our efficient transgene-free method, we can deliver potato lines with full knockout and/or induced allelic variation of a target gene in a tetraploid model variety.
Client case for improved health properties:
We induced mutations in two genes involved in the starch biosynthesis and studied if we could create a potato with a low glycemic index (GI) and higher levels of resistant starch (RS).

Trait development
With our genotype independent and efficient transgene-free method, we can deliver full knockout and/or induced allelic variation of a target gene in a commercial potato variety.
Client case for sustainable production:
We created potato varieties with short chain amylopectin, a starch that ensures storage stability in products. Thereby replacing chemically modified starches in food and industrial products, making them E-number free.

We are a part of
Project Oppotunity
GeneBEcon: WP3-potatoes
SolEdits is a part of a consortium of 11 starch and plant breeding companies: Project Oppotunity (CRISPR-CAS breeding for starch potatoes). The major project goals is to have New Breeding Techniques approved in Europe, and to develop a sustainable potato variety with increased late blight resistance that all partners can benefit from.
SolEdits are stakeholders in GeneBEcon, an ambitious Horizon Europe-funded project that will harness the innovation potential of gene editing to promote a sustainable bioeconomy in Europe. SolEdits is part of WP3 which objective is to stack two traits in elite starch potato cultivars, improved starch quality and induced virus resistance, traits contributing to a zero pollution vision. We are responsible for scaling up research results and being a link between research and commercial development.
SLU Grogrund
SolEdits is a stakeholder in two SLU Grogrund founded research projects. SLU Grogrund is a competence centre at SLU, whose main task is to comprise a knowledge hub for Swedish plant breeding. SLU Grogrund is primarily intended to develop knowledge and new methods in order to mobilise forces within the breeding of food crops for increased innovation potential, food supply and competitiveness in accordance with the goals set out in the Government’s food strategy.
GeneBEcon: WP3-potatoes
SolEdits are stakeholders in GeneBEcon, an ambitious Horizon Europe-funded project that will harness the innovation potential of gene editing to promote a sustainable bioeconomy in Europe. SolEdits is part of WP3 which objective is to stack two traits in elite starch potato cultivars, improved starch quality and induced virus resistance, traits contributing to a zero pollution vision. We are responsible for scaling up research results and being a link between research and commercial development.